Our Shipping and Transportation Services
What we can do for you and your company?
As most of businessmen & businesswomen know, transportation procedure in one of the important aspects of international business. Providing the best services regarding the best timing, risk decreasing & suitable rate besides cargo safety results in commodity owner, buyer or seller peace of mind. This important matter will be reached only when a strong & reliable company stays beside them to reduce stress & help customers peace of mind. Iranian Latidan Trading company has been successful to survey all possibilities, facilities & connection with most of well-known companies in sea, Land, air & rail transportation field during these 10 years to carry your responsibilities & our dearest customers focus on their business freely & without worries about logistics matters. Some shipping & transportation services mentioned below:

all types of container (General, Isotank, Open top & RF) from Iran to most ports of the world & reverse directly, indirectly & transship

groupage services via small ships, landingcrafts & barge

LCL shipments from UAE, China & India

Dangerous good services related to all available DG classes

storage & customs formalities of commodities located in UAE & china by UAE & china agencies

Bulk services via 10000 to 50000 vessels chartering

Designing the most suitable logistics plan based on customers need
Besides shipping services, Land transportation, Rail transportation & Air transportation services will be arranged as below :

Land transportation by all types of trucks, trailer, RF trucks & heavy traffic cargo

Cargo Transit to all neighbor countries

Internal & CIS countries rail transportation

Air transportation from/to Imam Khomeini airport to all around the world via UAE & china offices cooperation.